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Sunday, May 8, 2016

Cara Cepat Membuat Backlink ke Daftar Situs Gov terkenal

Sebelumnya saya posting tentang definisi Backlink, Web Directory beserta fungsi dan jenisnya dan daftar 7 generator backlink terkenal yang mampu mengirimkan ke situs hingga 500 situs terlebih bisa mengirim dan bercokol membuat link backlink dengan situs yang sudah ternama eksistensinya seperti situs-situs yang ada di negara paman Sam Amerika Serikat yaitu yang berdomain .GOV, .EDU, .ORG, .DORK. Karena seperti kita ketahui bersama bahwa Backlink tidak bisa diremehkan atau dipandang sebelah mata karena kemampuanya bisa mendongkrak popularitas, page rank dan traffic Blog.
Nah, atas dasar diatas maka berikut ini saya berbagi WebTool untuk mengirim secara otomatis mengirim dan membuat link ke situs berdoamain .GOV yaitu AUTO .GOV BACKLINK. Dan kelebihan tool ini ketika proses membuat link tidak manual dan dilakukan secara OTOMATIS.

Untuk memulai proses Generate Auto Backlink silahkan klik tautan dibawah ini :
Auto GOV. Backlink Generator

Silahkan dicoba dengan bijaksana.

Demikianlah semoga cara ini bermanfaat dan berhasil guna.


  1. Backlinks are incoming links to your website. It’s simple really…you vote for a candidate that you fully support or find most interesting. Similarly, you link to websites (or anything for that matter) that you think gives great value. As an SEO specialist, backlinks are one of the things you strive for in order to outrank your competitors.
    (Nofollow links don’t give out “link juice” or “link love” which is used by Google for their PageRank system.)

  2. Backlinks are incoming links to your website. It’s simple really…you vote for a candidate that you fully support or find most interesting. Similarly, you link to websites (or anything for that matter) that you think gives great value. As an SEO specialist, backlinks are one of the things you strive for in order to outrank your competitors.
    (Nofollow links don’t give out “link juice” or “link love” which is used by Google for their PageRank system.)

  3. Backlinks are incoming links to your website. It’s simple really…you vote for a candidate that you fully support or find most interesting. Similarly, you link to websites (or anything for that matter) that you think gives great value. As an SEO specialist, backlinks are one of the things you strive for in order to outrank your competitors.
    (Nofollow links don’t give out “link juice” or “link love” which is used by Google for their PageRank system.)


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